Bitcoin Reversal – A Confidence Shaker

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Market Summary

There is not much to add to what I said on Sunday and Monday. The main market indexes continue the pullback/consolidation that started last week. The February seasonality keeps a lid on the market, except for the outlier last Thursday, which was strong.

Although the already topped option could not be ruled out, I still expect a bounce from not much below today’s close, specifically from the 5,020-5,040 area in SPX, into early March. At least that’s what my cycle projections suggest.

Then I expect a correction in the next 2-3 months, initially. Cycles, EWT, technical, and sentiment all support a correction in the intermediate term, but the market is very resilient. Raising cash on the rips is not a bad idea in situations when the market is overbought.

Market data as of 4:20 pm EST on 28 Feb. 2024.

Technical Analysis

I ran into this interesting chart on the S&P500 over Bonds ratio. Self-explanatory.

NQ had 6 rejections at 18k level. A typical bull flag for one more pop higher. Bears could argue that it is the start of a leading diagonal down, which is possible if the pop last week was a slightly truncated 5th wave.

Inflation Analogy & Commodities

Thinking out loud. Is potential bottoming in commodities going to make the inflation analogy with the 1970s look good?

Bitcoin 4Y Cycle

A few weeks back, I posted in the premium section the potential for Bitcoin to invalidate the 4Y cycle target to 5K and generate a 4Y up target, as shown below. To keep it valid, Bitcoin needs to stay above the gray FLD band. Below it, watch out.

In the short term, the Coinbase crash around noon also caused a monumental reversal in Bitcoin that spiked this am well above the Keltner channel. This is a technically negative development and a confidence shaker. As of this writing, 7 pm EST, Bitcoin bounced strongly and generated a target toward 63-64K as shown in the chart below. But so far it is a corrective 3-wave move and there are no higher short-term targets so it may revert back down from the green box.

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Consumer confidence resembles similar peaks in the past.

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